21 March 2023

Holy Roman Emperor Coronation Oath

Holy Roman Emperor Coronation Oath

Oath from the rite of coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor, from Vatican Codex 6112, published in Acta Selecta Caeremonialia Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae. Probably used for the coronation of Henry VI by Pope Celestine III in 1191, though the oath, or some form of it may go back to Charlemagne.

Source: Gattico, Gianbattista. Acta Selecta Caeremonialia Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae: Ex Variis Mss. Codicibus Et Diariis Saeculi XV. XVI. XVII. Aucta Et Illustrata Pluribus aliis Monumentis nondum editis. In quo eduntur plures Codices Caeremoniales SRE ex Bibliotheca Vaticana. Vol. 1. Barbiellini, 1753. Translated at Canticum Salomonis The Rite of Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor – Canticum Salomonis (archive.org)

In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I, N., King of the Romans, and future Emperor of the Romans, affirm, pledge, promise, and swear by these holy Gospels before God and the blessed Apostle Peter, and the Vicar of the blessed Apostle Peter, fealty to the Lord N. the Pope, and thy successors who enter into office in the canonical manner, and that I will henceforth be protector and defender of this Holy Roman Church and of thy Person, and that of thy successors in all their needs insofar as I be supported by divine assistance, according to my knowledge and ability, without deceit or evil design. So help me God and these God’s Holy Gospels.

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