Martin Luther, Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Mt. 5:33-37
Written early 16th Century.
Source: Martin Luther, Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount. Trans: C.A. Hay.
Lutheran Publication Society. Philidelphia, 1892. pp. 176-186
V. 33-37. Again, ye have heard that
it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shall not forswear thyself, but
shall perform unto the Lord thine oaths: Bug I say unto you, Swear not at all;
neither by heaven, for it is God’s throne: nor by the earth, for it is his
footstool; neither by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Neither
shall thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair black or
while. But let your communication be Yea, yea; Nay, nay; for whatever is more
than these cometh of evil.
This text has been spun out with many
glosses, and many a queer notion and error has been drawn from it, so that many
great doctors have been worried about it, and could not become reconciled to
the blunt prohibition here that we are to “Swear not at all,” but “let your communication
be Yea, yea, and Nay, nay.” So that some have stretched their conscience so
tightly, that one doubts whether one ought to take a solemn oath not to avenge
himself when he is set free from prison, or whether we are by an oath to make
peace and a treaty with the Turks or unbelievers, etc. Now we cannot deny that
Christ himself and St. Paul often took an oath; besides, it is said, in the
Scriptures, that those are praised who swear by his name; so that also here we
must make a distinction, so that we rightly understand the text.
But we have been told sufficiently,
that Christ does not wish here to interfere with the secular authority and
ordinance, nor to detract at all from the powers that be; but he is preaching
here only for the individual Christians, how they are to conduct themselves in
their ordinary life.
Therefore we are to regard the
swearing as forbidden in exactly the same sense as above the killing and the
looking upon or desiring a woman.
Killing is right, and yet it is also
wrong; to desire a man or a woman is sin, and it is not sin; but in this way,
that we rightly distinguish both, namely, that it is said to you and to me: if
you kill, you do wrong; if you look at a woman to desire her, you do wrong. But
to a judge he says: If you do not punish and kill, you shall yourself be
punished; likewise to a married man or woman: If you do not cleave to your
spouse, you do wrong. So both are right, that one is to kill and not to kill,
to be and not to be with a woman; namely, that you do not be wrathful or kill,
or look lovingly upon a woman, unless you are specially authorized by God’s
word or command to do so. If you are wrathful, however, when God commands you,
or if you have a wife according to the word of God, then each is right; for
what God says and commands is a very different thing from when you do it of
your own accord.
As you have understood that, so
understand this also; that the prohibition here is, “Swear not at all,” just as
he has entirely forbidden killing, so that there may be no wrath in the heart;
in like manner, that we shall keep so aloof from man and woman as not to be
looking at them, or thinking upon them to desire them. And it would be a
dangerous sermon if we were to apply it to the exercise of governmental
authority or to married life, and were to say to the judge, Thou shalt not
become indignant, or give practical proof of wrath; or to a wedded pair, Thou
shalt not look upon or love thy wife or husband: but we must turn about here
and teach the opposite, saying: Thou judge shalt be angry and punish; and every
one shall have and love his spouse. How then does Christ say one must desire no
woman, and have no wrath in his heart? Answer, as said above, he is speaking of
the woman that God has not given you, and of the wrath that is not demanded of
you, that you are not to have. But if it is demanded of you, then it is no
longer yours, but it is God’s wrath, and no longer your desire, but that which
is given and ordained by God; for you have God’s word for it that you shall love
your spouse and not desire any other. Thus also in regard to swearing; we must
see to it, if we have God’s word for it or not.
That he here insists so much upon the
prohibition, that he does also in opposition to their false teachers, who
preached in this way, that taking an oath and swearing, although done
needlessly and without the word of God, was not sin; yes, they had made a
distinction (as Christ here shows) how one might swear freely, and what oaths
should be valid or not; as, that one might readily swear by heaven, or by
Jerusalem, or by his head; that those were little oaths, and did not have much
validity, if only the name of God were not invoked; they had indeed at last
carried it so far that a mere yea or nay was of no account, and they held that
it mattered nothing if they did not do anything which they had not sworn to do;
just as they had taught in regard to killing, that one should not consider a
secret anger and spite as sin; the same also, if one were hostile to his wife,
had no desire for her or love for her, but had desire for another and proved
this by looking at her and sporting with her, and by other signs.
Against such impure saints he began
to preach, and says: If you do not become different and more pious you will not
enter the kingdom of heaven.
The matter of swearing must not be
treated as you are doing, who make it right and valid where and when you
choose; but the command is, You are not to swear at all, neither by the temple,
nor by Jerusalem, nor by your head, as little as by God himself; but let your
dealings with each other be yea and nay, and abide by that. For that is an
abuse of the name of God, if one to the yea or nay adds oaths and swearing, as
if a mere yea and nay were not valid or binding unless the name of God were
added. There is also a further abuse, that people swear so thoughtlessly, as is
now so commonly done, when they use the name of God with almost every word.
That must all be strictly forbidden;
as also cursing that is done in God’s name, if it must not be done.
For cursing is just like swearing,
both being good and bad. For we read in Scripture that often holy people have
cursed; thus, Noah curses his one son, Ham, and the patriarch Jacob pronounced
an evil blessing and a curse upon his three sons, Reuben, Levi and Simeon, also
Moses against Korah; yes, Christ himself bitterly curses in the psalter his
Judas, and in the Gospel the false teachers; and Paul, Galatians 1:9, curses
all teachers who preach otherwise (even if it were an angel from heaven), that
they shall be anathema, that is, condemned and cursed by God; as if we should
say: Let God oppose them and totally destroy them, and give them no mercy or
good fortune. So the time may come when one must curse, or do wrong.
Thus, that we should now ask God’s
blessing upon pope, bishops and princes and wish them success, whilst they with
malicious schemes and wicked plottings are seeking to shed the blood of pious
people and to throw Germany into confusion; that Christians should not do, but
should and must say in regard to it: Dear Lord, curse, and hurl all their
scheming to the bottom of hell. Hence, no one can rightly pray the Lord’s
prayer without implying a curse. For, when he prays: Hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, etc., he must gather up in a mass everything
that is antagonistic, and say: Cursed, execrated, disgraced be all other names,
and rent asunder and destroyed be all kingdoms that are opposed to thee, gone
to ruin be all hostile schemes, wisdom and purposes, etc.
This, however, is the distinction: Of
himself no one is to curse or swear, unless he has God’s word for it, that he
must curse or swear. For, as above said, where it is done in accordance with
the word of God, then it is all right to swear, to be angry, to desire one’s
wife, etc. But it is in accordance with the word of God, if he orders me to do
it by virtue of my office and on his account, or demands it through those who
are in office. Thus, that we may understand it by an illustration, if it should
happen that thou art imprisoned, and in the hands of the authorities, and they
would demand of thee an oath not to seek for vengeance against them; or, if a
prince demands an oath of allegiance; or a judge demands an oath from a witness;
then it is your duty to take the oath. For there stands the word, that thou
shalt obey the powers that be. For God has so ordained and established
government, that one must be under obligations to another, so that all
questionable matters may be adjusted, decided and settled by the use of the
oath, as the epistle to the Hebrews teaches.
But do you say: Yes, but here stands
a different word, that Christ says:
Thou shalt not swear. Answer, as
above said concerning killing and being angry: Thou, thou shalt not do it, as
for thyself. Here, however, it is not thou that swearest, but the judge who
orders thee to do it, and it amounts to the same thing as if he did it himself,
and thou art now the mouth of the judge. Now Christ here neither commands nor
forbids anything to the government, but lets it take its own course as it is
bound to do; but he forbids you to swear of your own account, arbitrarily or
from habit; just as he forbids to draw the sword, yet does not thereby prevent
your being obedient to the government, if your prince had need of your
services, or would summon you to go to war; for then you are bound to enter
heartily into the work of the war, and it is no longer your hand or sword, but
that of the government; and you are not doing it yourself, but your prince, to
whom God has committed it. Thus we speak also in similar cases. As, if it
should come to pass, that we would make a treaty and concord with our enemies
or the Turks, then the emperor and princes could both give and take an oath,
although the Turk swears by the devil or his Mahomet, whom he regards and
worships as his God, but we worship our Lord Christ and swear by him. Thus you
have now a cause, for which it is right to swear, namely, the necessity of
taking an oath from obedience to the government, to confirm the truth or to
endure things for the sake of peace and harmony.
The other reason is love, though it
be not demanded by the powers that be, but is done out of kindness to a
neighbor, etc., just as also love is wrathful and rebukes, when it sees a
neighbor sin or go astray; as Christ teaches in Matthew 18:15. For it cannot
laugh at this or praise what is evil. Thus I may very well show love to the
wife of another man, if she be in need or distress, that I may help her out of
it; that is not a carnal, forbidden love, but one that is Christian, brotherly,
that springs not from my own lust or indiscretion, but because of my neighbor’s
need; and it has the sanction of God’s word, which says: “Thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself.”
Accordingly, if I see any one in
spiritual need and danger, weak in faith, or conscientiously fearful, or
seriously doubting, and so forth, then I am not alone to comfort, but to
asseverate besides, to strengthen his conscience by saying: As sure as God lives
and Christ died, so surely this is the truth and the word of God. There an oath
is so needful that we cannot do without it.
For by that the true doctrine is
established, the erring and timid conscience is instructed and comforted, and
delivered from the devil. Therefore in such a case you may swear just as hard
as you can. Thus Christ and Paul swore, and called God to witness. Thus an oath
is suited to every threatening or promise that a Christian preacher preaches,
both in alarming hardened sinners and comforting the timid.
In the same way, if one is to
vindicate his neighbor or rescue his honor in opposition to bad, malicious
tongues, one may also say: Before the dear God you are wrongly accusing him,
etc. For this is to use God’s name aright, to the honor of God and the truth,
and for our neighbor’s benefit and salvation. For in such a case you have the
word and command hovering over you, that orders you to love your neighbor, to
rebuke the disorderly, to comfort the sad, etc.; and because it is commanded it
cannot be wrong, yes, it even urges you to swear, and you do wrong if you
neglect to do it.
In short, if you have the word of God
[on your side], then may God give you grace right away to swear, to rebuke, to
be angry, and to do all that you can. But whatever is aside from this, not
commanded, nor for your neighbor’s need or advantage, in that case you should
do none of these things. For God wants nothing at all that you do of your own, notion,
without his sanction, be it what it may, even if one could raise the dead.
Much less will he tolerate it, that
one should abuse his name, appealing to it when there is no need or occasion
for it, or that one daily at home and every where else use it improperly, as is
now done, when men swear with all they say, especially in beer-houses, so that
it were well if this were strictly forbidden and punished. Thus you have a
proper, clear understanding of this matter, so that one need not vex himself in
vain in regard to this text and make a purgatory out of it when there is none.
Now Christ says: I say to you, Swear
not at all, neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by Jerusalem. Here we see,
the city was held in high esteem and honor, so that they swore by it; and he
confirms this, and calls it a city of God, and it is elsewhere also called the
holy city. It was holy, however, for this reason, that God’s word was there,
and through that God himself dwelt there; and it was a good custom, and no
doubt inaugurated by good people, that the city was so highly esteemed, (as the
prophet Isaiah also gloriously praises it), not for its own sake, but on
account of the word.
Accordingly we may well call every
city holy that has the word of God, and boast that God is really there.
But that he says: Thou shalt not
swear by thy head, for thou canst not make one hair white or black, that he
says concerning his creature, not concerning the use we make of it: For he does
not mean to say that we cannot powder our hair that it may become black or some
other color; but that it is not in our power to bring out a hair that is white
or black, nor can we prevent it from becoming thus or otherwise. But when it
has grown, then we can cut it off altogether or burn it; just as we can to some
extent change one created thing by means of another, but we cannot take any
part in having it created so or otherwise. Thus he makes our own head a
sanctuary, as that which is not of our work or power, but the gift and creature
of God.
That he now concludes: “Let your
speech be Yea, yea; Nay, nay,” etc., that he plainly addresses to such as have
no command or occasion to swear.
For (as was said) of his own accord
no one should swear at all. But when these two features are added, command or
necessity, then you are not asked to swear for yourself; for you do it not of
your own accord, but on his account who demands it of you, namely, your
governmental authority, or the need of your neighbor, or God’s command.
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