Nonnus of Nisibis, Commentary on John, 7:19 [Monophysite/Miaphysite]
Written in the mid-ninth century in Arabic. Only extant in Armenian manuscripts.
Source: Nonnus of Nisibis, Commentary on the Gospel of Saint John, p. 162. Trans: Robert W. Thomson. Society of Biblical Lit, 2014.
None of you keeps the law. Whay do you seek to kill me? (John 7:19)
What does this mean? He says, I did not come to destroy the Mosaic [law] but to complete it (Matt 5:17), for it prevented the committing of sin, whereas I separate you from Its very cause. For there he said not to commit adultery (Exod 20:14), whereas I prohibit looking with lust (Matt 5:28). He merely prevented swearing falsely (Exod 20:16), whereas I prohibit swearing at all (Matt 5:34). He suppressed stealing (Exod 20:15), but I command the dissemination to the needy of lawfully acquired possessions (Luke 18:22). There an eye for an eye and a death for a death (Exod 21:12.24), but I command to pray for enemies (Matt 5:44). So I do not destroy the laws of Moses but complete them. But you never keep the law, for although in many ways and examples (Heb 1:1) you have learned from the laws of Moses the testimonies that concern me, yet you have no zeal for that, but you seek to kill me.
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