Eznik of Kołb, Treatise on God, 406
Armenian work also known as "Against the Sects." Written c. 435 - 449 CE. Section 358-431 against Marcionites.
Source: Blanchard, M. J., & Young, R. D. (1998). A Treatise on God Written in Armenian by Eznik of Kołb (floruit C. 430-c. 450), p. 202-203. Peeters Publishers.
"I did not come to abolish the laws or the prophets, but to fulfil them" (Matt 5:17)
So how is he in opposition to the Law, he who came to fulfil the law and the prophets? And he said to the leper whom he cleansed: "Go, make a sacrifice for the sake of your being purified as Moses commanded in that law." (Matt 8:4) And to the lawyer who questioned him: "What is to be done in order that I might inherit eternal life?" He said "Know the commandments of the Law."
And a second time he was asked, "What commandments?" He said, "Do not commit adultery!" "Do not steal!" "Do not kill!" (Luke 10:25-27; 18-20) By which it is clear that he was not teaching in opposition to the laws but rather in agreement with them. Again, as for the not being angry, the not killing, it is not that there is any opposition, but rather assuredly they are in agreement. Because unless someone becomes angry, he does not consider the act of killing. Likewise, as for the not lusting, the not committing adultery, it is not that there is any opposition, but rather it is all the more alike. Because if a person does not lust, also he has no audacity for the deed of adultery. And as for the not swearing falsely, the not swearing [at all], it is not that there is any opposition, but rather they are very much in agreement. Because unless someone becomes accustomed to swearing at all times, he also does not swear falsely on occasion. There, because they swear on the names of idols, it says: "Render your swearing on the Lord." (cf. Ex 20: 7; Deut 23:22; cf. Matt 25:33) It says: "On me shall you swear, I who am alive, and not on the idols who are not alive." Indeed here because Christ will make his disciples perfect it says: "Above all, do not swear, but rather let your yes be yes and your no no. And whatever is more than this is from the Evil One." (Matt 35:47) And if whatever exceeds the yes and no is from evil, how much more that which is falsely sworn on a hideous name.
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