10 November 2018

First Synod of Orleans, [511 CE] Canons 1 & 3

First Synod of Orleans, [511 CE] Canons 1 & 3

The first council of Orleans was convoked by Clovis I, King of the Franks. This contains the earliest canons that I am aware of that require a prescribed oath for a given ecclesiastical situation.

Source: Hefele, K. J. V. "A history of the Christian councils from the original documents" (Vol. 4). Ed.: W.R. Clarke [1895]. pp. 88- 89.

1. If murderers, adulterers, and thieves have taken refuge in the church, then, in accordance with canonical and Roman law, they are not to be taken from the porch of the church or the residence of the bishop until an assurance has been given by an oath on the Gospels that they shall be free from all punishments, on the condition that the guilty one shall give satisfaction to the injured party. Whoever breaks this oath shall be excluded from the Church and from all intercourse with Catholics. If, however, the offender will not agree to the demand laid down, and from fear flies from the church, then he shall not be required of the clergy of the church, that is, they shall not be held responsible for him.

3. If a slave has taken refuge in the church, he shall, if his master has taken the required oath (can. 1), be immediately sent back to him. If the master does not keep his oath, he shall be excluded from all intercourse with Catholics. If, however, the slave, in spite of his master having taken the oath for impunity, refuses to leave the church, then his master may remove him by force.

Note: On Can. 3, compare Deut. 23:15.

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