18 November 2015

Early Church on Oaths - Source Data + Bibliography

Early Church on Oaths - Source Data + Bibliography


Bibliography on the History of Interpretation of the saying “Do not swear at all”

Allison, D.C., 2013. James (ICC): A Critical and Exegetical Commentary. Bloomsbury Publishing (pp. 722-725).

Bruner, F.D., 2004. Matthew: The Christbook, Matthew 1-12. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. (pp. 233-246).

Davies, W.D., and Allison D.C., 2004. Matthew 1-7 (ICC). Vol. 1. A&C Black. (pp. 535-536).

Delouis, O., 2008. "Église et serment à Byzance: norme et pratique." in Oralité et lien social, ed. Auzépy and SaintGuillain, pp. 212–46

DesRosiers, N.P., 2014. Oath and Anti-Oath Alternating Forms of Community Building in the Third Century, in: DesRosiers, N., Rosenblum, J.D., Vuong, L. (Eds.), Religious Competition in the Third Century CE: Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, pp. 93–104.

Haraguchi, Takaaki, 1991 "The Prohibition of Oath-taking in the Gospel of Matthew." PhD diss. (pp. 18-68). Available at: The prohibition of oath-taking in the Gospel of Matthew - ProQuest

Kreider, A. 2013. Oaths Ferguson, E., 2013. Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Second Edition. Routledge. pp.823-824.

Luz, Ulrich. 2007. Matthew 1-7: A Commentary. Edited by John H. Morison and Helmut Koester. Translated by James E. Crouch. Revised ed. edition. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press. (pp. 266-269).

Martens, J.-A.A., 1991. A second best voyage: Judaism and Jesus on oaths and vows (thesis). pp. 310-317.

Meli, Silvio. 2016. "The oath: genesis, development and Augustinian orientation-a revisitation in the light of recent scholarship." in ELSA Malta Law Review, 6, 231-254. Available @: OAR@UM: The oath : genesis, development and Augustinian orientation - a revisitation in the light of recent scholarship

Minear, P.S., 1971. Yes or No: The Demand for Honesty in the Early Church. Novum Testam. 13, 1.

Nesch, E. Early Christian Commentary of the Sermon on the Mount. CreateSpace. 2nd edition, 2018. pp.147-156

Rinolfi, C.M.A., 2013. Il Giuramento dei chierici fra diritto romano e diritto canonico. Diritto@ storia. Nuova serie, (11). Available @: https://web.archive.org/web/20160608013336/http://www.dirittoestoria.it/11/tradizione/Rinolfi-Giuramento-chierici-diritto-romano-diritto-canonico.htm 

Uhalde, K., 2013. Expectations of Justice in the Age of Augustine. University of Pennsylvania Press. (pp. 77-104, Chapter 3. Christian Oaths: A Case Study in Practicality over Doctrine).

Source Data for the History of Interpretation of the saying “Do not swear at all”

Second Century

·         Justin Martyr
̶            1 Apology 16.5 
·         Ptolemy the Gnostic
̶            Flora 4.1 (Epiphanius, Panarion 
·         Irenaeus of Lyons
̶            Adversus Haereses, 2.32.1.
̶            Adversus Haereses, 4.13.1. 
·         Acts of Apollonius, 6
·         Martyrdom of Polycarp, 9-10
·         Acts of John, 28
·         Protevangelium of James. 13

Third Century
·         Clement of Alexandria
̶            Paedagogus, 3.11
̶            Stromata 5,14
̶            Stromata 7.8
̶            Quis Dives Salvetur, 40
·         Tertullian
̶            Apology 32
̶            On Idolatry, 11
̶            On Idolatry, 19
·         Origen
̶            De Principiis 4.19
̶            Exhortation to Martyrdom, 7
̶            Homily 5.12 on Jeremiah (4:1-2)
̶            Commentary on Matthew [Latin], 17
̶            Commentary on Matthew [Latin], 110
·         Cyprian of Carthage
̶            On Mortality, 4
̶            The Good of Patience, 16
̶            Testimonies against the Jews, 3.12.
·         Gregory Thaumaturgas
̶            Metaphrase on Ecclesiastes, 39
̶            Metaphrase on Ecclesiastes, 44
·         Acts of Saint Eugenia, 10
·         Acts of Saint Codratius, 15-16
·         Martyrdom of Basilides, as recorded in Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 6.5.5
·         Novatian’s Oath, as recorded in Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, 6.43.18
·         Justinus’ Oath, as recorded in Hippolytus’ Refutation of All Heresies, 5.22.
·         Second Book of Jeu, 43
·         Didascalia Apostolorum [Syriac], 21

Fourth Century
·         Eusebius of Caesarea
̶            Demonstratio Evangelica; 3.2
̶            Demonstratio Evangelica; 3.3
̶            Demonstratio Evangelica; 3.5
̶            Praeparatio Evangelica 1.4
·         Lactantius
̶            Epitome of the Divine Institutes, 64
·         Acts of Phileas, 5.11
·         Juvencus
̶            Historia Evangelica, Liber I, 572-583
·         Pseudo-Clement
̶            Homilies: Epistle of Peter to James, 3-4; Homily 3.55; Homily 13.11;
̶            Recognitions: 3.6; 3.23; 7.35
·         Acts of Pilate, 2
·         Aphrahat
̶            Demonstration 23:63-66.
·     Ephrem the Syrian
       ̶          Sermons De Fide, 3.219
·         Athanasius Alexandria
̶            On the Moral Life (Fragments), 1
̶            Apologia Ad Constantium, 3
·         Pseudo-Athanasius
̶            De Passione et Cruce Domini, 4-6
·         Hilary of Poitiers
̶            Commentary on Matthew, 4:23-24
·         Ambrose of Milan
̶            Expositio in Psalmum David CXVIII, Sermo 14.14
̶            On Virgins, 3.6.28
·         Pseudo-Hippolytus
̶            On the End of the World, 23
·         Basil of Caesarea
̶            Address to Young Men on Greek Literature, 7
̶            How the monk should be equipped, 1
̶            Concerning Baptism, Q.5
̶            Ascetical Discourse [Ejusdem Sermo Asceticus, PG 31:869-881], 5
̶            Letter 22.1
̶            Letter 45.2
̶            Letter 85
̶            Letter 188.10
̶            Letter 199.29
̶            Letter 207.4
̶            First Homily on Psalm 14 (Dubious), 5
·         Gregory Nazianzen
̶            Oration 4:122
̶            De Vita Sua: 1101-1109
̶            Oration 45:17
̶            Carmina Moralia, 24
·         Gregory of Nyssa
̶            Homilies on the Song of Songs, 13
·         Epiphanius of Salamis
̶            Panarion, 1.19.6:1-4
·         Rufinus of Aquileia
̶            Apology against Jerome, 2:3-7
·         John Chrysostom
̶            Adversus oppugnatores vitae monasticae, 3.15
̶            Homilies on Genesis, 15.17
̶            Homilies on the Devil, 1.7
̶            Discourses against Judaizing Christians, 1.3.4
̶            Homilies on the Statues: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
̶            Baptismal Instruction 9.38-41
̶            Baptismal Instruction 10:24-29
̶            Homilies on Matthew, 17
̶            Homilies on Ephesians, 2.6
̶            Homilies on Acts: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
̶            Fragment on James 5:12
̶            Fragment on Jeremiah 4:2
·         Jerome of Stridon
̶            Commentary on Matthew, 5:34
̶            Commentary on Galatians, 5:22-23
̶            Commentary on Jeremiah, 4:2
̶            Letter 107.13
·         Evagrius Ponticus
̶            De Oratione, 127
·         Didymus the Blind
̶            Commentary on Zechariah, 8:16-18
̶            Fragment on 2 Corinthians 1:23
·         Chromatius of Aquileia
̶            Tractates on Matthew 10.2
·         Augustine of Hippo
̶            De Sermone Domini in Monte, 1.17
̶            De Mendacio, 28
̶            Commentary on Galatians, 9
̶            Contra Faustum, 19:22-23
̶            Epistle 47.2
̶            Epistle 157.40
̶            First Exposition on Psalm 88, 4
̶            Sermon 180
̶            Sermon 307
̶            Sermon 308
·         Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum, Homily 12
·         Apostolic Constitutions: 5.2.12; 6.4.23; 7.1.3
·         Ethiopic Didascalia, 28